After finished reading the book a path appears, I was impressed by the amount of charity work that has been done by people all around the world and their efforts trying to help their communities. The authors of the book must have been done a handful amount of research to present the issues near us. The book can provide people with information about how to organize an efficient charity, as well as methods to evaluate a charity whether if it’s worth donating the money or not. The procedure for a successful charity is usually like this: An individual who’s passionate about fixing a specific issue, and then goes on his journey to pursue his goal. Throughout the reading, I found education extremely important. If the purpose of the charity is to build a school for the impoverished children in a third world country, it will be easier to attract donator. I also noticed that one common trait for the leader of the organizations is that most of them pursued high-quality education, no matter their background. For example, Kenedy who opened the first girl school in his hometown finished his education at Wesleyan University. He decided to come back to where he grew up and help to make his hometown a better place. He abandoned job opportunities in the US and decided to use his knowledge to help people in need in his country.
I take education seriously. I think education is the only way to change one’s fate. Education is the only cure for the poverty——no matter how precious the resources a country might charge, without education it will lose its ability for long-term development. Angola’s main mean of product is export oil and other natural resources. Since the global oil market’s instability and the fact that one day the resources will one day run out, Angola used to struggle in poverty even though they are rich in natural resources. Until recently, there was a mass development in the economic field, and Angola started its manufacture industry and other business with western countries. Angola was able to boost its GDP because of the recent achievements. Of course, Angola will never be able to pursue that without a significant amount of skillful talents, and education is the base for it. Knowledge is the main reason that I came to the US. After I received the best education in the world, no matter where I stay I will be able to contribute to the global society. Even though there are still issues that need to be fixed in the world right now, I believe that people are seeing it and taking steps to fix it. After finished reading this book, I strengthened my belief that with the efforts of all of us trying to solve the problems, the world will indubitably be a better place.